Ausstellung Stiklestad (N) 10.09.2023

Auroranewfs Calisto

Katalognr: 81
Bewertung: V1
Klasse: Offene
Richter: Tomasz Borkowski (PL)
Anwartschaft: CK, CERT, 1.BHK, BOB
Bericht: big strong heavy build. nice head. good topline. a little long body, strong bone. heavy in move. rade short steps. beau coat wel groomed nice temper. parallel in move. mod ang. good tepmer.

Schimos George Jackson

Katalognr: 82
Bewertung: V1
Klasse: Champion
Richter: Tomasz Borkowski (PL)
Anwartschaft: CK, 2.BHK
Bericht: big strong ch. w a little long body, and weak in back nice head long neck. vey big chest, strong bone. nice coat little heavy in move nut parallel and eff inof. nice temp. beau shiluett friendly.

Matrosbamsen Lille My

Katalognr: 83
Bewertung: SG1
Klasse: Jugend
Richter: Tomasz Borkowski (PL)
Bericht: very fem in type. not fully dvelop yet. better standing enn moving. rader small head fem typ. long neck weak back. very narrow in rear trotting w raser short steps. little higher in rear then front. flat fingers. nice cond. typ coat.

Chiqui Bears Obs Borghild

Katalognr: 84
Bewertung: V1
Klasse: Offene
Richter: Tomasz Borkowski (PL)
Anwartschaft: CK, CERT, 1.BTK, BOS
Bericht: vet nice femle w standing. beau head nice neck. good body. well balance. little higer in rear then in front. beau sidewalk eff light w long steps very narrow in rear.